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26 Oct 2022 to 09h04

Operation «Books for Burkinabé schoolchildren»

Collection of books and school materials for Burkina Faso


The Order of Saint-Gabriel, whose vocation is to help underprivileged children, has organized, thanks to the dedication of the Swiss chapter of the Order of Saint-Gabriel and the national association of the Hospital Works of Saint-Gabriel, a collection of books in Switzerland in partnership with Librairie PAYOT for their 14th edition of the operation, from April 27 to May 7 in many local shopping centers:

•    The 13 Payot bookstores;
•    In the 7 Nature & Découvertes stores in Switzerland;
•    In the 200 Coop supermarkets in French-speaking Switzerland.
The harvest was successful

It allowed the filling of the 4 containers between June 15 and July 4.

Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, we were able to include furniture and toys for children.

Results of the operation

•    371 various pieces of furniture (cupboards, shelves, chairs, tables, etc.)
•    146 children's toys (puzzles, board games, small children's bike, stuffed animals, etc.)
•    80 boxes of dishes
•    62 tool boxes
•    48 bags of clothes for children
•    3072 boxes of books

The dishes are intended for the school of food trades in Ouagadougou.
It is a vocational school which should open this fall to train young people. To enter this school, it is enough to know how to read, write and count.

No certificate is required. There is a high demand for bakers for the country and this school meets the needs of the economy.

The tools are intended for CERMICOL (Centre for the education and reintegration of minors in conflict with the law) which is a vocational training center for juvenile offenders in Bobo Dioulasso.

They have beautiful premises but very few tools.

Thanks to the commitment of our partners, the Order of Saint-Gabriel would like to thank all those who have invested in this project led by the association of the Hospital Works of Saint-Gabriel Switzerland

•    Payot bookshops which supplied the books
•    The Isabelle Chevalley Association which organized the logistics and loaded the equipment and is in charge of their distribution in Burkina Faso with the help of the NGO Nouvelle Planète.
•    The MSC foundation which financed the transport and donated the 4 containers which will serve as traveling libraries in Burkina Faso
